Having a digital profile in social media is a must for today
professionals, especially with career-oriented site such as LinkedIn. HR professionals and Executive headhunters
can learn a lot about your accomplishments, and many employment inquiries and
business referrals have happened.
Unfortunately, the opposite is also true when decision makers passed on
your profile due to one of these three common mistakes:
- Bad Appearance – Do you really want to join an organization “where leaders are mad”? As a veteran Toastmaster myself, I can assure you that our leaders are extremely nice and friendly. Somehow this tagline got cut off one letter too soon. While it seems to be harmless, but in a world that dozen other clubs are recruiting a same pool of prospects, your bad appearance may be the difference of losing one instead of gaining a new member.
- Conflicting Body Language – Do you know what your profile say silently with your profile image? We’d all like to be “liked” as Dave Kerpen described in his bestseller “Likeable Social Media” and two other books “Likeable Business” and “Likeable Leadership”. However, a latest selfie taken before you go to bed may not project the professional image that you convey in your summary. Instead, ask a friend to take a few pictures of you in business attire with proper lighting and neutral background should be good enough.
- Confusing Context – Do you at least run spellchecker or ask a friend read through your profile? With the globalization of social media tools, millions of users are English as a Second Language (myself included), or third, or even fourth. Nevertheless, please check for spelling errors and any potential “lost in translation” from your native language to English. I’m sure in this example the profiler meant “social interaction” instead of the mentioned illegal activity.
There you have it! In
less than five minutes, you can do a quick ABC check on the Appearance, Body
language, and Context of your profile. If you think it has any of these common
mistakes, you can update it with a professional picture of your appearance
that conveys your “brand” with appropriate body language and validated context. Best of luck to you and contact us if you
need help. Please feel free to comment
or subscribe to our blog for practical tips to improve your leadership,
managerial, and communication skills.
Blogger Bio
Jimmy Thai, DTM
founded the Leadership Foundation Academy to develop future leaders with
passion and compassion. He speaks and
coaches Fortune500 companies to re-infuse the American Pride in corporate
America and the American Dream to the world.
He went to prison twice before
turning 17, and today lives in American Finest City – San Diego, California. Jimmy earned 2 Master’s degrees MBA and MSEE
from California State University, and BSEE degree from the 20th best
university in the world - University of California San Diego. He welcomes your comments and loves to
collaborate with you on Change
Leadership, Motivational Management, Decision Analysis, the ABC Secrets of
Appearance - Body language - Conversation, and Asian Business Development.
In 2015, Leadership Foundation Academy has donated over $10K
USD to its Build a School – Leave a Legacy program, which built 2
kindergarten schools in Ha Giang and Yen Bai provinces. Our 3rd project is to construct a
30-m bridge in Tran Van Thoi district, Ca Mau to save little students from
drowning on their way to school.
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